English Funtastic!

English Funtastic!

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Let´s try ! Simple Present (EXPLANATION- FORM)

The forms of the simple present

The affirmative form of the simple present:

I, you, we, theyplay.
He, she, itplays.
Remember the verbs in the third person singular (he,she and it) always take an "s". For example, "he plays, she sings,it works..."
  • Nancy and James speak good German.
  • Nancy works in a restaurant downtown.
  • The children play in the garden every weekend.

The interrogative form of the simple present:

DoI, you, we, theyplay?
Doeshe, she, it
  • Do you speak good German?
  • Does Nancy work in a restaurant downtown?

The negative form of the simple present:

I, you, we,theydo notplay.
He, she, itdoes not
  • No, I don't speak German.
  • No, she doesn't work in a restaurant downtown

Things to remember about the simple present:

1.In the interrogative forms, we use "do" or "does".
  • "Do you like the house?"
  • "Does she go to school?"
2; Verbs never take an "s" in the the negative and interrogative forms.
  • "Does he speak German?"
  • "Do they play soccer?"
  • She doesn't like ice cream.
3. don't is the short form of "do not". You can say either:
  • do not speak Italian, or
  • don't speak Italian.
4.doesn't is the short form of "does not". you can say either:
  • He does not listen to jazz music, or
  • He doesn't listen to jazz music.

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